About Me

Hello, nice to meet you!

My studies and strong interest in Information and Communications Technology, Computer Science, Social Networking and the web have become my career.

I work well on a team (I have a predisposition for it), or as a freelancer (inventing and implementing) to create websites, web services, desktop or mobile applications.

Projects I have worked on:

ordinearchitetti.mi.it - zegna.com - visibleproject.org - redvalentino.com - agustawestland.com - righeschi.it - valplexsrl.it

Startups I have worked on:

goodapril.com - waterfall.com


  • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript/TypeScript (also Vue.js, React.js, Node.js, Webpack), Python, Ruby (also Rails), Swift, MySQL, SQLite, GIT, Apache, Windows, Mac, Linux.


IT, Web Design, Web Development, Multimedia, Scuola Politecnica di Design - IDI Formazione

Open-source & Standards:

TC39 - W3C - WHATWG - WebKit - Swift - CNFC - Kubernetes - Apache Foundation - Linux Foundation

Work Websites, Mobile, Apps, Software (Coding, UXD):

current apple.com, previous gopro.com


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I have dealt with all phases of an online product as UXD, AI and Project Manager too.

I'm always studying, learning and looking for new technologies, new ideas and possibilities.

I live in USA (San Francisco), I am European (Italian). I love Australia, videogames, soccer, movies, music, networking, travel, motorbikes.

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